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How to find and recruit an apprentice

An apprenticeship combines learning at a college/training provider with on-site experience to give apprentices the right mix of technical and practical skills.

New Entrant Support Team (NEST)

Finding and recruiting an apprentice can be simple, but if you need support our New Entrant Support Team (NEST) are on hand to help you every step of the way.

New Entrant Support Team (NEST) Created to support employers across the UK, this hands-on free support can cover recruitment, paperwork, accessing grants & funding, and ongoing mentoring throughout the apprenticeship.

Get in touch and find out how your local New Entrant Support adviser can help you today.

Why should you hire an apprentice?

Apprenticeships are the bedrock of the construction industry. They are preparing the next generation of construction workers and represent an exciting option for both apprentice and employer.

You can employ apprentices at different levels, from school leavers and university graduates, to people who want to further their careers or change career direction completely.

Not only is the apprentice gaining from the experience, as an employer you are too. It’s a mutually beneficial relationship which helps the apprentice learn and develop new skills that directly improve your business; helping both to grow.

Apprentices can benefit your business in many ways:

  • Develop specific skills your business needs
  • A more cost-effective way to recruit staff
  • Earn more money: 78% of employers say apprentices improve their productivity
  • An extra pair of hands allows you to take on more work
  • Future-proof your business
  • Apprenticeships can be flexibly tailored to the needs of your business
  • Employing an apprentice can teach your whole workforce new skills
  • Energy, enthusiasm and motivation - apprentices bring all three

Financial support available

An employee who has recently completed an apprenticeship increases productivity in their business by £214 per week.

Micro, small and medium-sized businesses can have up to 95% of their apprenticeship training costs covered by Government grants.

You could be eligible for up to £11,000 in CITB Apprenticeship Grants

  • CITB attendance grant of £2,500 per apprentice per year
  • CITB achievement grant of £3,500 per apprentice, awarded on successful completion of the apprenticeship.

Recruit an apprentice