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Safeguarding policy

CITB is strongly committed to safeguarding all young people, adult learners and staff against harm, abuse and bullying/harassment.

CITB believes that all learners have the right to develop to their full potential. Therefore, we take seriously our role in promoting the health and wellbeing of our learners.

Whilst there are specific legal requirements relating to the welfare and protection of vulnerable people, CITB is strongly committed to safeguarding all young people, adult learners and staff against harm, abuse and bullying/harassment beyond legal compliance.  We will therefore actively promote the wellbeing of all and ensure that this is central to our planning, decision-making and day-to-day practice.

It is the responsibility of all managers and those responsible for sub-contracted provision to ensure that the staff within their teams, partners or person who represent or undertake activities on behalf of CITB, having contact with learners are provided with, understand and comply with this policy and all supporting procedures or instructions.

In order to ensure that we fulfil our safeguarding and well-being responsibilities, we will:

  • Practice safe recruitment, selection and vetting procedures that include checks into the eligibility and suitability of appropriate staff;
  • Ensure the protection of individuals or groups from radicalisation from terrorist or extremist groups.
  • Ensure that all Employers and work placement providers have been risk assessed for safety and suitability;
  • Work in partnership with learners and with other agencies in promoting a safe learning environment.

We will seek to safeguard all learners by:

  • Valuing them, listening to them and respecting and taking appropriate action where required;
  • Providing safeguarding guidelines through procedures and in accordance with the CITB code of conduct for staff;
  • Promoting fundamental British values (as defined in the Prevent Duty), including democracy, and equality the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
  • Recruiting staff safely to incorporate best practice guidance for safeguarding to be included in the recruitment and selection process;
  • Sharing information about concerns with designated agencies and involving learners and their parents/carers appropriately.

All policies and procedures will be made available to any relevant person on request.

Safeguarding policy, procedures and instructions are set within management systems and will include appropriate monitoring and analysis, reporting and recommendations for continuous improvement.

We are committed to reviewing our policy and practice at least annually.

This policy was reviewed, approved and scheduled by Tim Balcon, CITB Chief Executive, August 2024.

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