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Install internal stonemasonry introduction


The purpose of this standard is to provide the learner with the knowledge and skills to support the following scope: To demonstrate the correct methods of: installing basic small internal stonemasonry components, safe working practices to move and handle resources, use or a range of tools to install basic small internal stonemasonry components


6 hours


The purpose of this standard is to provide the learner with the knowledge and skills to support the following:


To demonstrate the correct methods of:

  • installing basic small internal stonemasonry components
  • safe working practices to move and handle resources
  • use or a range of tools to install basic small internal stonemasonry components

Learner pre-requisites

A basic knowledge of setting out and preparing backgrounds terminology and techniques would be beneficial

Instruction/ supervision

As a minimum, course trainers must be able to demonstrate that, in relation to this standard, they have:

  • an award in education and training (or equivalent, as per requirements for approved training organisations)
  • at least 2 years industrial experience relevant to the scope of the standard
  • a verifiable CV


All materials and equipment must be of a suitable quality and quantity for learners to achieve learning outcomes and must comply with relevant legislation

The learning environment, class size and learner/trainer ratio must allow training to be delivered in a safe manner and enable learners to achieve the learning outcomes

The following delivery methods may be used in the delivery of this standard:

  • face to face learning environment only (such as classroom/workshop etc.)

This standard is predominantly practical

This standard is considered to be set at an entry level


Informally Assessed

For the successful completion of training, the trainer must be satisfied that the learner has achieved all learning outcomes

Quality assurance


Quality assurance against this standard will require initial approval of the training organisation and their content mapped to the standard.

CITB will also conduct an approval intervention, either desk-based or centre visit, to ensure the training organisation can meet the requirements of the training standard.

Approved training organisations (ATOs) will be required to present information on records of training and assessment upon request to CITB for desk-based analysis. They will also be visited annually by the CITB quality assurance team.

Standard classification

Lifetime (Please note standards using this classification will only be grant aided once per user)

Working group approval date

October 2024

Review cycle

On request or 60 months (5 years) from approval date.

Learning outcomes

The learner will be able to:

Understand safe working practices to move, handle and install basic small internal stonemasonry components

Delivery guidance:

The learner must know and understand how to install, apply, fix or secure internal horizontal or vertical stone to working instructions:

  • small floor or wall area (minimum 1200mm square)
  • internal treads and risers
  • reveals and cills
  • joint and point or grout basic small internal stonemasonry components
  • apply relevant finish products

Safe working practices are considered to be:

  • correct use of PPE & RPE
  • RAMs
  • manual handling techniques
  • correct use of lifting and moving aids
  • following manufactures instructions
  • following safety data sheets

The following are considered to be relevant resources to be handled and moved:

  • stone components
  • manufactured stone components
  • mortars
  • adhesives
  • grouts
  • finishing products

The following are considered to be installation techniques:

  • establish datums
  • setting out
  • preparing backgrounds
  • mix and apply mortars and adhesives to backgrounds

Assessment criteria:

  • the tutor must be satisfied that the learner knows and understands how to move, handle and install basic small internal stonemasonry components to a specification and the required quality standard

Identify and safely use a range of hand tools to install basic small internal stonemasonry components

Delivery guidance:

the learner must know and understand how to safely use the appropriate hand tools to install, apply, fix or secure internal horizontal or vertical or manufactured stone to working instructions:

  • small floor or wall area (minimum 1200mm square)
  • internal treads and risers
  • reveals and cills
  • joint, point or grout basic small internal stonemasonry components
  • apply relevant finish products

The range of hand tools must include:

  • setting out
  • preparing backgrounds
  • installing, applying and fixing
  • finishing

Assessment Criteria:

  • the tutor must be satisfied that the learner knows and understands how to safely use the appropriate hand tools to install basic small internal stonemasonry components to a specification and the required quality standard

Demonstrate the ability to install basic small internal stonemasonry components

Delivery guidance:

The learner must be able to:

  • set out and measure datum lines
  • install membranes or underlays where specified
  • install, apply, fix or secure internal horizontal or vertical stone to working instructions for one of the following:
  • small floor or wall area (minimum 1200mm square)
  • internal treads and risers
  • reveals and cills
  • grout or apply relevant finish products

Assessment criteria:

  • the tutor must be satisfied that the learner can install basic small internal stonemasonry components to a specification and that required quality standard

Additional information about this standard

This standard requires a basic knowledge and understanding of setting out and preparing backgrounds, the standards listed below will support this requirement.

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