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D: High risk activities

The following organisations and websites offer high risk activities guidance for health and safety

D25 For further information on the selection and use of edge protection refer to the Edge Protection Federation's Code of Practice. 

D25 The booklet Health and safety in roof work (HSG33) contains advice from the HSE and is a useful source of further information for companies that carry out roof work. 

D25 The Advisory Committee for Roofsafety (ACR) represents roofing trade associations and provides industry guidance. 

D25 For more information on good practice download the free HSE leaflet Roof repair work

D25 Visit the CITB website for a fragile roofs video highlighting the dangers of unsafe working on fragile roofs.

D25 For further information refer to the following HSE publications:

D25 For further information refer to the HSE guidance Safe use of ladders and stepladders (INDG455).  

D25 Podium steps and other low-level access equipment should comply with the standard specification (PAS250/BS 8620), which is available from the British Standards Institute (BSI). 

D25 For further information refer to the HSE document The selection, management and use of mobile elevating work platforms (GEIS6).  

D25 The auxiliary controls decal is available to download for free from the IPAF website. 

D25 For further information visit the HSE, National Access and Scaffolding Confederation (NASC) and Scaffolding Association websites:

D25 For further information on safe working at height for scaffolders refer to the NASC publication Preventing falls in scaffolding (SG4). 

D25 For comprehensive information on inspection refer to the HSE publication Inspecting fall arrest equipment made from webbing or rope (INDG367).  

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