Find out what a CITB ATO is and how you can become one and gain more business opportunities
Standards and delivering training

Find out how your organisation can get extra recognition for your training standards by joining CITB's Construction Training Directory
Find a short course, qualification or occupational standard to align your training portfolio offering
Find out how to become accredited to offer Site Safety Plus courses and access available support
Join a local training group to get discounted training and be involved in construction career promotion and developing the construction sector in your area
Get support and guidance materials to ensure that you're running an ITC according to contractual terms
Find a specialist applied-skills programme (SAP) and learn about the National Specialist Accredited Centre (NSAC) services
Download supplementary Health, safety and the environment (HS&E) and Site Safety Plus course publications and support materials
Learn about the National Skills Academy for Construction (NSAfC) and how you can be part of the NSAfC programme and network
Learn more about Fairness, Inclusion and Respect and how you can train your workforce to make the workplace better for everyone
Employer Networks are an initiative set up and funded by CITB aiming to simplify the way you get the support and funding you need to access the training you want.
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