Consensus 2025

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The CITB Levy
As a Levy-paying employer we may contact you to help measure the level of support for the final Levy Proposals, for the next Levy Order. Support is measured by asking employers if they think the Levy Proposals are necessary to provide adequate training in the industry for the next three years; this process is commonly known as Consensus.
The Levy Proposals 2026 - 2029
To retain Levy rates at:
- PAYE: 0.35%
- Net paid (Taxable) CIS Sub-contractors: 1.25%.
- We are proposing to increase the Levy Exemption and Reduction Thresholds to £150,000 and £500,000.
Meaning if your employee payroll and Net paid (taxable) CIS subcontractors combined is less than £150,000 you will not pay a Levy. If you are between £150,000 and £499,999 you will receive an automatic reduction of 50%. This approach was supported by a majority of employers at a recent consultation and means we will continue to support our smallest employers, so the Levy delivers for all.
What happens next?
Depending on whether you are a member of a Prescribed Organisation or not will affect the way you may be approached for your views:
If you are a member of one of the 14 Prescribed Organisations, they will seek the views of their Levy-paying members on the Levy Proposals before responding directly to CITB on their behalf.
If you are not a member of a Prescribed Organisation, and are due to pay the Levy, you may be contacted by an independent market research company (IFF Research) between 17 March - 9 May 2025 to respond to the Consensus question. We aim to contact a representative sample of 4,000 Levy-paying employers.
This feedback will then be collated and analysed to obtain an Industry-wide view.
Consensus timeline (PDF, 499KB) details the different phases taking place through Consensus.
Now Consultation is finished and we have collected your views, Consultation Report (PDF, 574KB) which shares the findings.
Consensus 2021 results
Consensus 2021 - CITB contains a breakdown of results from the previous Consensus.
More information
Consensus FAQs (PDF, 1.2MB)
Previous Levy rate & Thresholds (PDF 5.7MB)
Levy Strategy Committee (PDF, 6.18MB)
Levy Proposals 2026-2029 - Recommendations, rationale and benefits (PDF, 4.25MB)
Consensus and the CITB Levy Order (PDF, 7.34MB)
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