Industry Impact Fund

CITB’s Engagement Team delivered a series of short webinars providing an overview of CITB’s Industry Impact Fund. Each webinar focuses on a different fund theme and includes general information about the application process and an explanation of the fund criteria.
Recordings of the webinars are available below:
What is the Industry Impact Fund?
The Industry Impact Fund is aimed at construction employers looking to make a positive difference to the construction industry by developing solutions to key challenges faced by the workforce across the UK.
The fund launched April 2023 and is the first fund of its kind for CITB. It will pilot a new way of supporting the needs of industry. The fund puts employers in the driving seat when it comes to designing and developing training and skills solutions.
Activity must focus on a skills and training solution that doesn’t already exist. The idea must be new, not previously supported by CITB and it must be scalable and sustainable.
The fund is open to big picture ideas that enable shared knowledge and resources across the industry and are sustainable past the period of funding
To apply for the fund, businesses need to propose and develop solutions on how to enhance one of the following topics in the construction industry. If successful CITB can provide up to £500,000 of funding per proposal to make the innovative idea a reality.
- Productivity
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity
- Net Zero
- Trainers & Assessors
- Digital skills
- Retention
I’ve got a big idea; how do I apply?
All CITB registered employers can apply to the Industry Impact Fund.
If you are assessed to pay levy, then your levy payments need to be up to date and your most recent Levy return submitted.
If you are not required to pay levy under the Small Businesses exemption, then this criterion does not apply to you.
If you think your proposal can address any of the challenges in the areas mentioned above, then please get in touch with your local adviser to discuss your idea further.
Your local adviser will have an initial conversation with you, to make sure you meet the eligibility criteria and the aims of this fund. Then, you will be asked to complete an application form and send to
If you have a big idea but are not a registered employer, you can take your idea to an employer for them to submit as a lead as long as you’re clear who is involved in achieving the gain for industry.
Remember, your idea must provide a new skills and training solution to improve at least one of the following areas:
Productivity: To improve the efficiency and effectiveness across the supply chain. This could be implementing new training methods, improving communication and collaboration among teams, or streamlining workflows to increase outputs.
Equality: To ensure that all workers are treated fairly and with respect, regardless of their race, gender, age, ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation.
Diversity: To secure the presence of different perspectives, experiences, and backgrounds among the construction workforces.
Inclusion: To create a work environment that is supportive and welcoming of all workers by promoting open communication between colleagues, fostering a sense of belonging and creating policies and good practices that ensures workers feel valued and respected.
Net Zero: To ensure the industry meets its net zero obligations, with more people trained in net zero skills and businesses aware of obligations and opportunities for growth. The could include increasing and improving the capacity of net zero training suppliers.
Trainers & Assessors: To ensure employers are able to access relevant high quality training and assessment, increasing the number of people in the construction industry trained as trainers and assessors.
Digital skills: To find new ways to support industry in training their workforce in digital skills and improve the use of digital technology in construction.
Retention: To improve the number of individuals who stay in the workforce by providing high quality recruitment and induction practices, new skill development opportunities and improved leadership skills within the workforce.
If your application meets the criteria, you may be invited to attend a CITB panel meeting and discuss your ideas in more detail. If your application for funding exceeds £250,000, the decision will be deferred to the external panel nominated by CITB’s Industry Funding Committee and Nation Councils.
What would make a successful application?
We are looking for proposals that can provide construction – led solutions across the industry. These are long-term solutions that go beyond day-to-day training covered by our Grant Scheme or ideas supported through our other funding channels.
When considering your application, please remember we would like to fund projects that:
- Are new
- Have a strong, direct link to one of the fund topics
- Are scalable, by sharing knowledge and resources across the industry
- Are sustainable past the period of funding.
That’s why we encourage you to:
See the bigger picture: What are the challenges the construction industry is facing and how can you help come up with a long-term solution?
Consider your strength and expertise: Have you dealt with any issues in your own business and come up with an effective solution that can benefit others in the construction industry?
Consider a sustainable solution: Whereas CITB has financial support to cover everyday training needs, we are looking for proposals that provide an attainable solution that can start to make a different but has longevity to continue to deliver benefits and will be sustained across industry well into the future. This means it’s important you detail to your local adviser how your proposal will address a problem or challenge in a sustainable and lasting way.
If you have any questions or would like to receive more information, please contact your local adviser.
Fund documents
- Terms of funding (PDF, 193KB)
- Terms of bidding (PDF, 144KB)
- Application guidance notes (PDF, 224KB)
- Letter of endorsement (Word, 49KB)
Additional documents
What happens next?
Assessing applications
The CITB team will review and assess all applications. The criteria and process are set out in the Application guidance notes (PDF, 224KB).
Applications can be submitted at any time and assessments will take place quarterly.
Application decisions
Funding decisions will be communicated as soon as possible once each assessment round is complete. We may contact you during the assessment period to obtain additional information.
Monitoring and evaluation
After the funding agreement has been signed you can start your funded project.
Please remember to keep all records and evidence of expenditure as you will need to submit these to CITB in order for milestone payments to be released.
Publicity and Communications
We may wish to publish details of your programme on our website once funding has been approved.
We may ask to work with you to develop press releases, case studies or promotional videos relating to your programme either during delivery, or upon completion.
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