East of England

Find details of local industry events, support, networks and contact information
CITB Advisers can support and guide you in terms of accessing CITB training, grants, funding and apprenticeships. In addition, they can signpost you to other sources of support, help and advice, including local partners and networks, for example LEPs, Growth Hubs and local initiatives.
Please find their contact information in the location links below
Contact your CITB customer engagement adviser
North Essex
Liz Long
Tel: 07733 969582
Email: liz.long@citb.co.uk
South East Essex
Nikki Parsons
Tel: 07867 141497
Email: Nikki.parsons@citb.co.uk
Support to grow your business
Support for businesses of all sizes in regards to Investment, Funding and Business opportunities.
Essex.gov.uk - Support for businesses
Grants, Loans and Investment for businesses across the South East for small businesses.
Help to train, recruit and fund your staff
Business Growth – European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
The South East Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) has been notionally allocated £74.1 million to deliver projects within this programme that support research and innovation. The objectives of all projects are to support SMEs and create jobs.
South East LEP - Business Support
Training groups in your area
Essex Construction Training Association
Training projects funded by CITB
CITB-funded training Hubs in Southend, Harlow and East Sussex
Contact your local CITB team
Nicky Dady - Engagement Adviser
Tel: 07770 860081
Email: Nicky.Dady@citb.co.uk
Nicky can assist you to access CITB grants and funding
Sarah Roberson – New Entrant Support Adviser for Peterborough
Tel: 07765 341896
Email: sarah.roberson@citb.co.uk
Sarah can support with all aspects of Apprenticeships
Joanna Young – New Entrant Support Adviser for Cambridge
Tel: 07435 739165
Email: joanna.young@citb.co.uk
Joanna can support with all aspects of Apprenticeships
What's happening in your area
Employer Networks
Employer Networks are an initiative set up and funded by CITB aiming to simplify the way you get the support and funding you need to access the training you want. Start accessing this support today – contact Nicky Dady for further details.
Employers who have accessed funded training through the local Employer Network already had this to say about their experiences:
- ‘Extremely beneficial, we were unaware of what funding might be available before we were involved in the network. We were inspired by it all. We never anticipated what funding was available. 'It's been massive benefit'
- ‘Excellent - I think the fact we could tap into something quite easily without having to go through reams of paperwork, applications etc is such a help to a business like us. We are quite time poor as we have so much going on, so anything to get things moving quickly is welcome.’
- ‘It's fantastic, really helpful and a super easy way of organising training'
Support to grow your business
Cambridge Peterborough Combined Authority
- Business Growth Hub: Free support from advisors for new or growing builders, SMEs at any stage. Grants and loans available to support growth. Subscribe to email updates.
Tel: 0800 998 1098 Email: enquiries@growthworks.uk - Growth Works: Employers can upload local job, apprenticeship and learning opportunities. Individuals can search for these opportunities or seek advice.
Tel: 0333 121 7800 Email: skills@growthworks.uk
Financial support and services to help you recruit and train Staff
- Form The Future
This social enterprise, active across Cambridgeshire, helps schools to prepare students for work and supports businesses with educational outreach opportunities to help build their talent pipeline.
Tel: 01223 781296 Email: info@formthefuture.org.uk - Ixion
National, Ofsted ‘Outstanding’ rated Training Provider of skills and education for school leavers, job seekers, learners and employers. They offer Apprenticeships, training, work experience and advice. Tel: 07718 484785 Email: tom.bamforth-white@ixionholdings.com
Contact your local CITB team
Amy Gardner
Engagement Advisor for Norfolk
Tel: 07879 435130
Email: amy.gardner@citb.co.uk
With over 10 years of experience in stakeholder engagement, I manage the Employer Network Fund for Norfolk and am the CITB Advisor responsible for operationally supporting all CITB registered businesses in Norfolk.
I provide tailored guidance and signpost businesses to the most relevant CITB products, grants, and funding solutions, helping them overcome skills gaps and develop their teams. My role is to ensure that local employers can access the right resources to thrive in a competitive industry.
For support with CITB initiatives, reach out.
Allison Copeman
Engagement Advisor for Suffolk
Tel: 07787 288056
Email: allison.copeman@citb.co.uk
I manage the Employer Network for Suffolk and am the CITB Advisor responsible for operationally supporting all CITB registered businesses in Suffolk.
Please get in touch with any enquiries regarding training, grants, funding, Employer Network or any other query in relation to your construction business and I will be more than happy to help.
Sinead Hipwell
New Entrant Support Team Advisor
Tel: 07825 832429
Email: sinead.hipwell@citb.co.uk
Sinead can support employers with all aspects of Apprenticeships.
Skills Bootcamps
We can also direct you towards Norfolk & Suffolk Skills Bootcamp schemes which can help you with staff recruitment and skills development;
What's happening in your area
Employer Networks
Employer Networks are an initiative set up and funded by CITB aiming to simplify the way you get the support and funding you need to access the training you want.
Support to grow your business
Businesses in Norfolk and Suffolk can access a wide range of grants and funding through New Anglia LEP. Finance support includes grants from £1,000 to £500,000 to support business development and growth. To discuss grants and finance for your business, contact the New Anglia Growth Hub for free and impartial advice. We can also offer loans to kick-start infrastructure projects through our Growing Places Fund.
Help to train, recruit and fund your staff
The New Anglia Skills Deal Programme has supported employers, alongside training providers, to seek funding for projects which address a gap in - or barrier to accessing - training provision. Find out more about the projects funded through the Skills Deal:
New Anglia Skills Deal Programme
Sector Skills Plans will identify key priorities for each of the key growth and employment sectors in our area. The plans will identify the main skills needs of the sectors as well as a set of agreed actions to help ensure these needs are met. An evidence base/dataset upon which these plans are based are also available to view. View completed plans and evidence bases:
Training groups in your area
CITB supports local Construction Training Groups to help companies in the construction industry to access affordable training. Training groups are made up of companies of all sizes across various areas of construction.
Norfolk Construction Training Group (NCTG)
Norfolk Construction Training Group (NCTG) is supported by CITB to help companies in the construction industry in both Norfolk and Suffolk to access affordable training for their employees. It offers members affordable training, and as discussed are able to offer your company support and guidance in accessing relevant training, and works with you to make training effective and affordable.
Website: Norfolk Construction Training Group
Contact: Samantha Thomas, Training Group Officer
Tel: 01953 600700
Email: s.thomas@nctg.org.uk
Training projects funded by CITB
The comments below are from two New Anglia employers who accessed support for training and skills developments via CITB's Skills and Training Fund.
Company based in Norwich
"The ability to examine internally has increased our operating standards, whilst ensuring a higher level of skills and knowledge...This will save the company approximately £40,000 per annum, since we are no longer relying on external companies for internal examination."
Company based in Suffolk
"CITB funding provided us with the opportunity to train and qualify our staff, in line with our sector’s regulatory demands...More staff now hold qualifications which our clients are demanding increasingly...Funding has enabled our business to pass qualification requirements to renew and win contracts, thus allowing our business to grow in key areas...The training has bridged knowledge gaps amongst staff, as training has focused on previously under skilled areas."
You may also be interested in...
Find out how local employers can benefit from taking on an apprentice for a short duration in our Shared Apprenticeship Scheme
Find out more about the National Skills Academy for Construction, led by CITB and approved by industry
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