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Committee Vacancies

CITB is currently recruiting for a Audit and Risk Committee Member, National Construction College and Apprenticeships Committee Member, Nation Council Members for Scotland and Wales, and for a Wales Nation Council Chair.

Audit and Risk Committee - Member

Expression of Interest for CITB Audit & Risk Committee Member Position

CITB is inviting experts with qualifications in audit, assurance or accounting/finance to join its Audit & Risk Committee as an Independent Member.


One Independent Member position is available from July 2025, and the successful applicant will help the Committee ensure that CITB’s Board and Accounting Officer gain the assurance they need on the adequacy and effectiveness of CITB’s arrangements for risk management, governance and internal controls, and other strategically significant developments.

Audit and Risk Committee will advise and may make recommendations to the Board and Accounting Officer on:

  • The strategic processes for risk, control and governance and the Governance Statement;
  • The accounting policies, the accounts and the annual report of the organisation including the process for review of the accounts prior to submission for audit, levels of error identified, and management’s letter of representation to the external auditors;
  • The arrangements for and the effectiveness of internal and external audit provision, including consideration of their reports;
  • Assurances, including from outsourced or shared service providers, relating to the management of risk and corporate governance requirements for the organisation;
  • Key corporate policies, including counter-fraud & bribery, information governance and security, health & safety, reserves, working capital, treasury & investments, whistleblowing, and risk management;
  • Arrangements for special investigations;
  • Health, Safety and Wellbeing across CITB;
  • and consider other topics as defined by the Board.

Therefore, the Committee must have a wide range of skills and experience in relation to finance, governance, risk and control to ensure that issues are fully explored and resolved.

Skills and Expertise

We are seeking a candidate who has current skills and experience in audit, assurance or accounting/financial management to add value to the Committee. It is not necessary to have previous Board or Committee experience. The role would be a good opportunity for an individual seeking to broaden their CV with wider experience.


Each appointment of a Member is for a period of up to four years and is non-remunerated, although travel expenses will be paid. There are a minimum four meetings per year, held either remotely via video conference, or at a given location, and meetings last approximately 3 hours.


If you are interested in this vacancy, please take time to go through the Terms of Reference and Role Description to ensure you have the required skills. If you would like to apply, please complete the Expression of Interest form and email to corporate.governance@citb.co.uk by 30 April 2025.

All Expressions of Interest submissions will be considered for short listing by a panel comprising of two CITB Board Trustees (including the Committee Chair), CITB’s Legal, Governance & Compliance Director and CITB’s Head of Audit & Risk. Applicants considered by the Panel who satisfy the requisite skills and experience will be selected for interview with the Committee Chair and one other member of the Panel, who will then make a recommendation to the Board for the appointment of the preferred candidate.

The successful applicant will receive a formal appointment letter from CITB’s Corporate Governance Team, along with a schedule of the upcoming meetings and an Induction Pack.

Julia Heap, CITB’s Chair of the Audit & Risk Committee:

“External independent experts are a vital and respected voice in our vibrant Audit & Risk Committee. Bringing outside, expert perspectives to challenge and add to our discussions we welcome applications from those with current responsibilities in the areas of internal audit, finance or risk who might be looking for a first board level experience.”

Tim Balcon, CITB’s CEO and Accounting Officer:

“CITB’s Audit & Risk Committee plays a vital role in the provision of oversight and drive for continuous improvement. Centred around the control environment, reporting and risk management of the business, this role will contribute toward improving transparency and ultimately the impact CITB creates for the benefit of the Construction Industry.”

National Construction College and Apprenticeships Committee - Member

Expression of Interest for CITB National Construction College & Apprenticeships Committee
Independent Member Position

CITB is inviting individuals who have current or recent experience of working in FE and Skills, particularly those with expertise in finance, business development or estates development to join the National Construction College & Apprenticeship Committee as an Independent Member.


We are seeking two experienced professionals to contribute their expertise to CITB National Construction College’s (NCC) longer-term vision to create significant value for the construction industry by expanding the training offer, providing outstanding teaching, learning and support, and providing beacon leadership across the wider training sector.

The successful applicants will help the National Construction College & Apprenticeships Committee give the Board the necessary assurance on the adequacy and effectiveness of NCC’s curriculum and performance in respect of its training delivery and the performance of CITB’s Managing Agency role in Scotland. The Committee reports to the CITB Board and is chaired by a CITB Board Trustee, Michael Green.

The National Construction College & Apprenticeships Committee’s purpose is:

  • To support the Board in the delivery of its responsibility to ensure oversight of the curriculum, quality and delivery of the training provision, the learner experience, learner safeguarding and wellbeing, health & safety, resourcing, and the funding and regulatory compliance of CITB’s NCC and Apprenticeships provision.
  • To monitor and review the delivery, quality, and impact of CITB’s apprenticeship provision in England, Scotland and Wales, and to provide assurance to the Board regarding funding and regulatory compliance activities and offer recommendations to the Board as to future direction of this provision.
  • In making decisions and recommendations the Committee will have regard to all relevant legal and regulatory requirements together with guidance and best practice in skills training, education, and safeguarding.

To best serve industry the Committee needs to encompass a wide range of representation from across construction training and be comprised of individuals who are well versed in the existing FE and skills regulations and the training requirements of industry.

Skills and Expertise

We are seeking candidates with expertise in education finance and resourcing, business development (commercial and/or publicly funded training) or estates development to add value to the Committee. It is not necessary to have previous Board or Committee experience. The role would be a good opportunity for an individual seeking to broaden their CV with wider experience.


Each appointment of a member is for a period of up to four years and is non-remunerated, although travel expenses will be paid. There are a minimum four meetings per year, held either remotely via video conference, or at a given location in Great Britain, and meetings last approximately 3 hours. Additional workshops and training sessions may be added to the Committee’s work programme from time-to-time if there is a specific need to do so, and at the Chair’s discretion.


If you are interested in this vacancy, please take time to go through the Terms of Reference and Role Description to ensure you have the required skills. If you would like to apply, please complete the Expression of Interest form and email to corporate.governance@citb.co.uk by Friday 11 April 2025 end of day.

All Expressions of Interest will be considered for short listing by a panel comprising of two CITB Board Trustees (including the Committee Chair), CITB’s Executive Director Nations Engagement, and CITB’s Executive Principal NCC & CITB Apprenticeships Scotland. Applicants considered by the panel who satisfy the requisite skills, experience and knowledge will be selected for interview with the Committee Chair and one other member of the Panel, who will then make a recommendation to the Board for the appointment of the preferred candidate. This process will be supported by CITB’s Corporate Governance Team.

The successful applicant will receive a formal appointment letter from CITB, along with a schedule of the upcoming meetings and an Induction Pack.

Michael Green, CITB’s Chair of the National Construction Colleges & Apprenticeships Committee:

"NCC plays a vital role in providing specialist training to the Construction Industry, with a clear business plan to significantly invest in our estates to support the industry skills needs we would welcome adding estates development experience to our team. This is a great opportunity to help shape the future of Construction Training across the UK."

Kirsty Evans, CITB’s Executive Principal NCC & Apprenticeships Scotland:

"This an exciting time to join us, with ambitious plans for growth in our commercial and apprenticeship offer, a 3-year project to rebuild our NCC South campus in Erith and a continued focus on quality which is delivering great results for our learners in Scotland and England. Your expertise will make a real difference for the employers and learners we support."

Nation Councils

Nation Council Scotland - Member

Expression of Interest for Scotland Nation Council Member Positions

The Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) are looking for senior, experienced and knowledgeable industry representatives from SME’s, large employers, and independent consultants etc. who can demonstrate a consultative and collaborative approach to partnership working within the Scotland Nation Council and with the CITB Board.

The Nation Councils have an important role in supporting the CITB Board in its strategic leadership, by providing insight into industry challenges, across nations, regions and sectors and acting as a sounding board for Trustees. In particular:

  • To capture and articulate to the Board key issues affecting or likely to affect industry over a forecast period of 3 years
  • Together with the other Nation Councils (Scotland, England and Cymru Wales) assist the Board to accurately prioritise support for key issues affecting industry across Great Britain
  • Review and advise the Board on CITB’s Strategic Business Plan (‘the Plan’) to ensure that the Plan appropriately addresses industry opportunities, pressures and priorities as identified through CITB’S evidence base, which the Nations Councils will help to enhance
  • To make timely recommendations to the Board about extraordinary matters arising that may impact on the ability of the Board to deliver the Plan

Each appointment of a Member is for a period of up to three years and is non-remunerated, although travel expenses will be paid. There are a minimum four meetings per year, held either remotely via Microsoft teams or at a given location.

If you are interested, please take some time to go through the Terms of Reference and Role Description to ensure you have the required skills. You will need to fill in the Expression of Interest form and send it to corporate.governance@citb.co.uk.

The selection process will be via paper selection to include input from the Nation Chair. If you are successful in your application, you will be notified of the subsequent Nation Council meeting dates.

Tony Elliott, former Chair of the CITB Scotland Nation Council and HR Director of Robertson Group said:

“The Nation Councils are led by industry, for industry – they are a vital connection between CITB’s Board and construction employers. Our council members offer a wealth of insight based on expert knowledge and a vested interest in construction. The Nation Councils really help to unite CITB with the industry it serves. I’d like to urge any senior construction industry professionals who believe they can help CITB with its efficiency and effectiveness plans to apply for these roles – this is a great opportunity to make a big difference.”

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