Thank you
Thank you for sending us your feedback.
We have sent an automated email to the email address you provided to confirm this has been submitted.
What happens next:
If you have submitted a comment
This will now be logged, along with other feedback we receive, for us to use as a learning tool for improvement. This feedback is really valuable in helping us to improve our services.
If you have selected that you are happy to be contacted by us, we may be in touch with you for more information.
If you have submitted a compliment
Thank you for taking the time to let us know about your positive experience with CITB, this is something that we use to learn what is working well.
If you have selected that you are happy to be contacted by us, we may be in touch with you for more information.
If you have submitted a complaint
Thank you for letting us know about your experience. You will be contacted within the next three working days to confirm we have received your complaint and are starting our investigation.
More information on our complaints process.
How did we do today? Give feedback